How to make a thermal compost

How to make a thermal compost

Composts can be made from most organic by-products.


Making a hot compost 
Composting is controlled decomposition, the natural breakdown process of organic residues. Composting transforms raw organic waste materials into biologically stable, humic substances that make excellent soil amendments. 

The Composting Process
Composting occurs through the activity of microorganisms naturally found in soils. Under natural conditions, earthworms, nematodes and soil insects such as mites do most of the initial mechanical breakdown of organic materials into smaller particles.

The active phase of composting
The temperature in the compost pile typically increases rapidly to very high levels within 24-72 hours of pile formation, which is maintained for several weeks. This is called the active phase of composting. In the active “thermophilic” phase, temperatures are high enough to kill pathogens and weed seeds and to break down phytotoxic compounds (organic compounds toxic to plants). It produces a microbe-rich, full-spectrum nutrient source. Creates compost quickly. Hot compost piles can be finished in as little as 8 weeks. The high temperatures generated kill weed seeds.

Composts can be made from most organic by-products. Common feedstocks are poultry, hog and cattle manures, food processing wastes, sewage sludge, leaves, brush and grass clippings, sawdust, and other by-products of wood processing.


  • Gather the organic materials you need like grasses, stova from harvested material.
  • If there are legume stova they may fasten the decomposition process
  • Before putting materials on the compost, they are usually dipped in water.
  • Heap them together in alternating layers until the layer is about 1.5 metres.
  • Remove after 8 weeks.
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