Strategic Partnership Agreement 2 (SPA 2)

Strategic Partnership Agreement 2 (SPA 2)

Project Details


Danish International Development Agency, ActionAid Denmark & ActionAid Zimbabwe


Year 1: USD 63 336.00 Year 2: USD 63 336.00

Implementing Partner(s)

Fambidzanai permaculture Centre, Green Governance Trust, Basilwizi Trust, Transformation Innovation Hub


2022 to 2025


Mbire District (Ward 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9), Mashonaland Central Province


About Project

Project Goal

By 2025, young people should know their role and are taking steps to influence an enabling environment for the implementation of feminist and green economic alternatives that will improve their livelihoods and resilience to climate change-induced shocks and stresses.

Strategic Objectives

Young people, especially women, and marginalised people enjoy fundamental rights through improved access to well-resourced programmes and public services.

Young people, especially women, and marginalised people enjoy improved, sustainable livelihoods through climate accountable governments and alternatives that build climate resilience.

Young people, especially women, and marginalised people are resilient to shocks and enjoy their right to protection in fragile situations, disasters, and protracted crises.